
NOVA School of Science
and Technology, CAPARICA


Winter School • Hackathons • Labs • Realistic Cyber Range Exercises

The CyberSecPro Winter School is an intensive, practical course created to help intermediate users advance their cybersecurity skill

Check out the hackathon details, the gallery and Moodle!

Location: Room 203, edifício IV (Google Maps Link!). See map at the end of this page.
Schedule of Sessions (see below for details):
  Start Time: 08:30 GMT
  End Time: 17:00 GMT

Meals and Coffee Breaks:
  Lunch: Cafeteria of Building VII
  Coffee Breaks: Next to Room 203

Important Links:
How to Reach NOVA FCT:
Campus Map:

Quiz day was so long ago… the same day as the Social Dinner, actually. Hope you enjoyed!
Over six days, the students enrolling in this training in Monte da Caparica, Lisbon, Portugal, covered a lot of ground on the following topics:

*All times are in Lisbon time (WET/GMT/UTC)

Day 1January 20th
08:30Introduction to Cybersecurity Davide Ferraris
Vulnerability Tracking and Exploitation: Hands-OnDavide Ferraris
13:15Operating System SecurityStylianos Karagiannis
Hands on Risk Management Stylianos Karagiannis
17:30Evening Event: Cybersecurity Boardgame
Day 2January 21st
08:30Cybersecurity in the Energy Domain: Theories and Strategies for Network ProtectionAbdelkader Shaaban
Practical Activities on Network Cyberattacks and Protection StrategiesAbdelkader Shaaban
13:15Access Control and Authentication: Foundations and SOC Design for Incident ManagementRodrigo Adão da Fonseca
SOC Design and Incident Management: Practical ExerciseRodrigo Adão da Fonseca
Day 3January 22nd
08:30Navigating Cyber Threats: The Risk of Vulnerable BinariesDimitris Koutras
Vulnerability Tracking and Exploitation: Hands-OnDimitris Koutras
13:15Cyber Security Risk and Vulnerability  Management Shareeful Islam
Hands on Risk Management Shareeful Islam
Day 4January 23rd
08:30Configuring and exploring Suricata logs through PFsenseChristos Lazaridis
Exploring Suricata Logs through Azure Data ExplorerChristos Lazaridis
13:15Network Forensics OverviewRiku Salmenkylä
Monitor and analyse Network Forensics scenarios with Wireshark Riku Salmenkylä
18:00Evening Event: Cybersecurity Quiz
20:00Evening Event: Social Dinner
Day 5January 24th
08:30Analyzing Malware samples using Forensics Analysis ToolsChristos Apostolakis
Malware Infection Incident analysis with Volatility and other State of the Art Digital Forensics ToolsChristos Apostolakis
13:15Log Management and Threat ModellingPenelope Kyranoudi 
SIEM Platform and Threat Modelling Tool SetupPenelope Kyranoudi 
Day 6January 25th
08:30Hackathon – Cybersecurity FundamentalsStylianos Karagiannis
11:00Hackathon – Ethical Hacking Stylianos Karagiannis
14:30Hackathon – Forensic InvestigationStylianos Karagiannis
15:30Cyberhack – Hacking another day!Stylianos Karagiannis

Day 1: Cybersecurity Fundamentals
Session 1: Introduction to Cybersecurity 
Lab 1: Virtual Machine Setup and Hands-on Cybersecurity Concepts
Session 2: Operating System Security
Lab 2: OS Hardening

Day 2: System Security and Access Control
Session 3: Network Security and Threat Mitigation
Lab 3: Network Traffic and Threat Analysis
Session 4: Access Control and Authentication
Lab 4: Implementing Multifactor Authentication 

Day 3: Vulnerability Scanning and Risk Management
Session 5: Vulnerability Assessment Tools
Lab 5: Vulnerability Scanning and Reporting
Session 6: Risk Management and Privacy
Lab 6: Risk Assessment in Action

Day 4: Intrusion Detection and Forensics
Session 7: Intrusion Detection Systems
Lab 7: IDS/IPS Configuration
Session 8: Network Forensics
Lab 8: Packet Capture and Analysis

Day 5: Malware Analysis and SIEM
Session 9: Malware Analysis
Lab 9: Malware Dissection
Session 10: SIEM and Log Management
Lab 10: SIEM Setup and Monitoring

Day 6: Full-Day Hackathon
Hackathon Theme: Real-world scenario-based challenges covering topics like Ethical Hacking, Incident Response, and Network Forensics.

Co-organized by: